Hamilton Barnes and The Armed Forces Covenant.
27 Mar, 20233 minsOn Wednesday 30th October 2019, Hamilton Barnes had the honour and privilege to sign the Arm...

On Wednesday 30th October 2019, Hamilton Barnes had the honour and privilege to sign the Armed Forces Covenant.
In attendance from Hamilton Barnes was, Nick Barker, George Barnes, Matthew Tuite and Sarah Ellis-Barker. From the Greater London Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association, was Gill Niblock and Amelia Webber. We also had an extra special guest who was representing the MOD, Squadron Leader Paul Tuite from RAF Honnington, who is Matthew's father!
It was a wonderful morning and was followed with a delicious lunch, which proved to be very fascinating and insightful, where we got to swap stories about our backgrounds and history. Sqn Ldr Paul Tuite enlightened us with is RAF beginnings when he joined as an Air Cadet, and then on to the RAF. His tales of life in the forces was not only insightful to us, who had never met him, but also to his son, learning all the great milestones and events in his father's life, that as a child, you are not aware of.
What is the Armed Forces Covenant?
The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation ensuring that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly.
It is to those who protect our nation, who do so with honour, courage and commitment, the nation's commitment to them.
The Covenant reads:
"Soldiers will be called upon to make personal sacrifices – including the ultimate sacrifice – in the service of the Nation. In putting the needs of the Nation and the Army before their own, they forego some of the rights enjoyed by those outside the Armed Forces. In return, British soldiers must always be able to expect fair treatment, to be valued and respected as individuals, and that they (and their families) will be sustained and rewarded by commensurate terms and conditions of service. In the same way, the unique nature of military land operations means that the Army differs from all other institutions, and must be sustained and provided for accordingly by the Nation. This mutual obligation forms the Military Covenant between the Nation, the Army and each individual soldier; an unbreakable common bond of identity, loyalty and responsibility which has sustained the Army throughout its history. It has perhaps its greatest manifestation in the annual commemoration of Armistice Day, when the Nation keeps covenant with those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, giving their lives in action."
It is about members of the armed forces community having the same access to government and commercial services and products as any other citizen. Providing support in:
- education and family well-being
- being a homeowner
- career progression
- access to healthcare
- financial assistance and
- discounted services.
Who is part of the Covenant?
The Covenant supports everyone involved with the armed forces. Not just those who are currently serving, but service leavers, veterans and their families. Many different groups have made that commitment to make a difference, including:
- Central Government
- Royal Navy, British Army and the Royal Air Force
- Businesses
- Local Government
- Charities
- Communities
- Cadet forces and their adult volunteers
What does it mean for Hamilton Barnes by signing The Covenant?
As a business, by signing the covenant it means that we are supporting our future employees who are reservists and veterans. We will offer flexibility in leave for service spouses and partner before, during and after deployment and will support reservist employees, allowing leave for training and deployment.
We feel honoured to be part of the Armed Forces family and are looking forward to making the most of it.