Shelley Langan- Newton - Episode 38

Holly Staff
Shelley  Langan- Newton

By Holly Staff & Shelley Langan- Newton

This week on The Route to Networking, we welcomed Shelley Langan-Newton, CEO at SQR.

Alongside Holly Staff, Senior Network Consultant at Hamilton Barnes they got into Shelley’s unconventional journey into the cybersecurity space and how her experience in performing arts gave her the perfect skill set for innovation.

Shelley's meteoric rise from teacher to tech CEO is a testament to her infectious energy and passion. Starting at SQR just two years ago, she has led the growing team to build and launch their ID verification and compliance monitoring solution.  

“And so, our whole, our whole sort of ethos and structure is around an individual being able to share things they need to share. With the people they need to share them with, with their consent.”

Go backwards 12 years and you’ll find Shelley in a very different environment, teaching performing arts to high school students. This unexpected path cultivated her creativity and problem-solving skills, which now fuel her innovative approach to cybersecurity.

“My mother, in her infinite wisdom, told me to do what I love” 

When Shelley became pregnant during her second year of university, her performing arts journey took an unexpected turn. She transitioned from the stage to behind-the-scenes roles in directing and choreography, gaining invaluable leadership and creative experience that ultimately led to her first teaching position

While Shelley hadn't considered teaching before, the opportunity arose at the perfect time, allowing her to balance motherhood with her career aspirations. She completed her teaching qualification through night school and went on to work as a teacher for over a decade.

Route to Tech

Shelley first found her way into the technology industry after a friend who had a telecommunications business had encouraged her to bring her talents to his team. Despite no previous experience in technical environments, the opportunity came at the perfect time for her, a completely new challenge, environment and work culture.

This turning point ultimately paved the way to her current role at SQR, where there is no doubt that she found her perfect role, when asked if there were any other career’s she could see herself in, Shelley's unwavering enthusiasm for her current job shone through. She couldn't imagine pursuing any other career, she shares, leaving no doubt about her career satisfaction.

Looking ahead

Shelley’s sights are set on angel investing, giving her the opportunity to invest in interesting businesses. She points out that an obscenely low amount of angel investors are women. A divide that not a lot of people consider but plays a part in driving the institutional sexism that creates injustice and imbalance in our systems.   

Find out more about Shelley in this week’s episode of The Route to Networking podcast. Out now!